
Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Tari Legong Bali

This is one tradiksional dances from Bali. Legong dance in Bali's cultural treasures belonging to the type of classical dance since the beginning of its development stems from the royal palace in Bali. The dance was once only enjoyed by the nobles or the king's family in their neighborhood that is in the palace as a dance entertainment. The dancers who have been appointed to or elected to this dance in the presence of a king would have felt it an honor and great pleasure, because not just anyone can get into the palace, so really the choice.

As a classical dance, Legong is promoting high artistic elements, the movement is very dynamic, symmetrical and orderly. Dancers also are people who come from outside the palace which is the dancer of choice by raja.Walaupun they never mentioned the name of creating a dance to the public, provided that they do not question it was asked to create based on a true heart and full of flavor offerings to the king. It can be seen from almost all classical dances and other dance traditions that developed outside the palace as Legong, Line, and Topeng.Kini Jauk no longer in the era of feudalism adopts, keseian Legong has been progressing very rapidly in terms of quantity and quality.

Mentioned that the Legong Kraton (as developed in the palace) out of the palace at the beginning of the 19th century. The female dancers who formerly practiced and Legong dance at the palace is now returning to their villages to teach this type of dance to the community. As known, the Balinese are those people who are full of creativity so that the style of dance each dancer was slightly different according to the abilities brought him. This eventually led to, arising Palegongan style-style spread in areas where the origin of royal dancers dancers, like in the village of Saba, Peliatan, Bedulu, Binoh, Kelandis and several other places. Of all the regional development of the Legong dance, Saba and Peliatan only village that still maintains his trademark strong and able to create other types of dance Palegongan with different names.

Legong dances in Bali is at first accompanied by a tool called gamelan music. commonly called Gamelan Pelegongan. Gamelan device consists of two pairs of gender-vines, gangsa squat, a gong, kemong, kempluk, klenang, krumpungan pair of drums, flutes, fiddle, jublag, jegog, gentorang. In addition, there is an interpreter tandak to reinforce its usual character and narrator as well as stories through song. However, as the popularity of gamelan gong kebyar in Bali, finally palegongan these dances have evolved, so this could dance accompanied by gamelan gong kebyar, because the level of flexibility.

Legong dance also has a story:

Regarding the beginning of the creation of Legong dance in Bali is a very long process in accordance with the reference that I read. According to the Chronicle Dalem Sukawati, Legong is created based on a dream I Dewa Agung Made Karna, the king who reigned in 1775-1825 Sukawati M. When he was doing penance in the village of Pura Agung Jogan Ketewel (Sukawati region), he dreamed of seeing fairies are dancing in heaven. They dance with a headdress made ​​of gold.

after that he was aware of their meditation, he immediately decreed or ordered Bendesa Ketewel to make some face masks which appear in his dreams when doing meditation in Jogan Pura Agung and also ordered to make a dance that is similar to the dream. Finally Bendesa Ketewel was able to complete nine sacred masks as requested by I Dewa Agung Made Karna. Sang Hyang Legong dance performances can be staged at Pura Agung Jogan by two female dancers.


Shortly after the Sang Hyang Legong dance is created, a group dance performance led Blahbatuh Nandir of I Gusti Ngurah Jelantik perform a play which witnessed King I Dewa Agung Mangosteen, King of Gianyar at the time. He is very interested in dance who has a style similar to Sang Hyang Legong dance is, as he commissioned two artists from Sukawati to restructure by means of two female dancers as dancers. Since that created the classic Legong we are witnessing today.

When viewed from the root, Legong derived from the word "leg" which means flexible or elastic, and the word "gong" which means the gamelan. Both the root of the word when combined will mean a movement so tied up (especially the accentuation) by gamelan accompaniment.
approximately sebeginilah as I know, if you want to know more you can visit kebali hehehehe


referens :  http://www.isi-dps.ac.id

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