He is the king of the spirits and symbolizes goodness. He is an enemy of Rangda in the Balinese mythology. Rangda or Banas Pati Rajah is the spirit that accompany a child in his life. Banas Pati Rajah is believed to be the spirit that drives the Barong. As a protective spirit, Barong is often shown as a lion. Traditional Balinese Ballet in describing the battle between the Barong and Rangda are very popular and frequently performed as a tourist attraction. the battle between good and evil
Barong lion is one of five forms of Barong. On the island of Bali every part of the island of Bali has a protective spirit to the land and forest respectively. Each Barong than representing a particular area is described as a different animal, like a village between different cultures is still the same but different aliases main actors only. There are wild boar, tiger, snake or dragon, and lion. Barong as singalah form a very popular and originated from Gianyar. Here lies Ubud, which is a famous tourist place. In dance Calonarong or Balinese dance, Barong uses his magical science to defeat Rangda
This type of barong dance there are also various kinds:
- Barong Ket (ketet) is the barong of the most widely available in Bali and the most widely performed and has an incomplete type of repertory dances. Barong Ket (ketet) is a mix between a lion, tiger, cow or bona. Barong Ket (ketet) have the body is decorated with carved engravings made from leather, glass and fur attached is made of braksok, fibers or feathers of crows. Barong Ket (Keket) performed by two dancers who called saluk interpreter or interpreter Bapang. Barong Ket (Keket) always has an underlying theme in the play-theater performing arts of Bali which describes about the struggle of virtue (dharma) and bad (adharma). Tari Barong Ket (ketet) accompanied by gamelan Bebarongan who barreled pelok, and in some places performing arts There is also a barong dance accompanied by gamelan Semar Pegulingan.
- Barong Dance Barong Bangkal which means a large pig that old age, it resembles a barong eekor Bangkal called barong barong boar or even daffodils. Dance is always accompanied by the Brong Bangkal Gamelan Batel, in the play is very rarely accompanied by a play, and usually the way to move where the play from one city to another, there is also carried around.
- Barong Dance Barong Asu which means that resembles a dog, especially in the mask. Asu very sacred Barong dance, especially in the area of Temple Peak Dawa, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali.
- Barong Dance Barong Elephant which means that resembles an elephant. Barong Dance Elephant is very sacred, especially in areas Singapadu Village, Bali.
- Tiger Barong dance which means that resembles a tiger. Barong Dance Tigers in the play performed by two dancers, and some are equipped with a sort dramatari Arja. Tiger Barong dance is always accompanied by gamelan Batel.
- Landung barong Barong Dance is the form of two-legged early humans. In general Landung barong made in pairs, consisting of a queen lanang (Barong Landung male) and Queen Luh (barong landug women). Barong Landung shaped big and tall, just like ondel-ondel when in Jakarta. In figure pengambarannya Queen Lanang face is very scary, black-faced with his teeth mencolot out, while the Queen Luh, female, elderly Chinese women seerti. In staging barong Landung equipped with such Mantri, Baluh, Limbur and others always take Lokon Arja (especially in the areas of Badung) and accompanied by gamelan Batel. Barong Landung numerous in Tabanan area and is usually displayed at the cremation (burning bodies)
- Barong Dance Blasblasan or also called by another name Barong Kedingkling. Blasblasan Barong is a form of staging is done ngelawang, dancers only use wayang wong mask mask (people) with the play story excerpts from the Ramayana story is generally a scene of war. Barong Dance Blasblasan staged at many of Galungan and Brass, and usually are brought as the dancers are children. Blasblasan Barong dance accompanied by gamelan Batel, and there are also accompanying with bebarongan gamelan (gamelan Batel equipped with reyong).
- Brutuk Barong Dance Barong dance is derived from Truyan Village, Bali (a small village located just off the east of Lake Batur)

In enjoying a dish barong dance performances, we as visitors can be entertained with the play-play that in play it (specially Barong Ket or Ketet performances). We will never get bored watching this pegelaran barong dance, because in addition to an interesting story and good, the show also full of humor filled with laughter. We can also see directly in barong dance performances there is also the impression of mystical
go directly to bali barong art bro and watch this
referense : http://ejawantahnews.blogspot.com
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