The lion dance consists of two main types namely dance lion dance lion dance south and north. Northern lion has a mane of curls and four-legged. Northern Lion appearance looks more natural and lion-like appearance than the southern lion that has scales and the amount of which varies between the two legs or four. Lions Head South moreover equipped with a horn that is sometimes more akin to the animals 'Kilin'.
Movement between the North and the Lion Lions Southern also different. If the South is famous for its lion head movement hard and bobbing along with the beat of gongs and drums, but if the movement of the North Lions tend to be more agile and full of dynamics because it has four legs.
The main movement of the lion dance Lion Dance is movement takes an envelope containing money. This movement referred to as 'Lay See'. On top of the envelope is usually plastered with watercress vegetables that symbolize the gifts for the Lion. Consuming process of 'Lay See' It takes approximately half of all dance Singa.biasanya part consists of a few lions, and lion this lion would scramble envelope, which makes fun of this struggle because there are so many attractions attractions on show

As we all know that art or skill in the art of Lion Dance game requires specialized skills and training are routinely addressed this in order to make the players involved have to be proficient and skilled so as to minimize the risk. However, sometimes a lot of people here who still believes that playing Lion Dance can make the player or players make trance like Lumping.padahal Horses in the game the players did not really been trained and adept at playing this lion dance arts
Lion Dance in the game, is also needed flair and dexterity in the can from the results of regular practice and the players know the required response in the field or playground arena, because the game should be performed Lion Dance in all fields, or arenas, or even the field and also in places the breadth is very minimalist, and at high altitudes or like a ladder.
In today's Lion Dance has many types permainnya, there is combined with martial arts or Wushu, which makes the movements made to be beautiful and very well with music that sounds from musical harmony Barongsai.sebenarnya game also obtained from the exercise of serious and high discipline and penngenalan about Chinese culture on the development of arts barongsai umumnya.Walaupun very rapidly along with the changing times, but art is not going to leave the lion dance elements of its cultural element.
yahh this is what little I knew about the lion dance Indonesia,
no less powerful with a lion dance from Chinese lohh
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